The use of mint for erectile dysfunction

Herbs with menthol relieve fatigue in men, tone up, help with colds and have many other beneficial properties. But many have heard about the effect of calming plants on libido. Some people do not know whether mint affects male potency and refuse to drink medicines or tea based on it. This plant is now used in folk medicine to treat sexual weakness. In order for mint to help, you need to follow some rules when collecting and consuming it.

Peppermint helps treat erectile dysfunction

Mint and potency in men are not directly related. But the plant, through its influence on the nervous system, creates conditions for stabilizing erections and increasing libido. Drinks and preparations with this herb strengthen in stressful situations and prevent the development of psychoneurological disorders. By improving the functions of the central nervous system, the functioning of internal organs, glands, blood vessels and the brain is normalized. The coordinated activity of the systems automatically increases erection and sexual desire.

It is important to know!Doctors recommend taking mint for erectile dysfunction as a supportive treatment method. Decoctions and infusions without the use of medications are drunk only for prevention. Herbal medicine alone is only suitable for uncomplicated complaints and slight stress-related loss of potency.

Possible uses of the plant and its properties

In folk medicine, mint is always used for insomnia, nausea, cardiac arrhythmias as well as psycho-emotional fatigue and the effects of stress such as impotence. The plant is useful for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, asthma. It also helps with migraines, heartburn, toothache, sore throat, stomatitis, acne and inflammatory diseases. The therapeutic properties of mint have been confirmed by scientists and clinicians.

The biochemical composition of mint has the following effects:

  • sedatives;
  • anic acid;
  • antiemetic;
  • analgesic and antispasmodic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • antipruritic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • hypotonic;
  • Mint and products based on it to restore potency in men
  • refreshing;
  • Tonic.

In official medicine, mint leaves or preparations based on them are prescribed to men and women for neurological disorders/illnesses, emotional instability, mental/physical fatigue, stress and depression. The herb also helps to eliminate their consequences: cardiac arrhythmias, reduced potency, insomnia and other disorders. The plant is also used in gastrology, cardiology and dentistry. Mint is used in aromatherapy, cooking and cosmetics to treat skin and hair.

Possibilities of mint to strengthen male strength

In most cases, doctors cite the consequences of neurological stress as the cause of weak potency. These are psycho-emotional instability, insomnia, fear of failure, disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Since mint has a calming effect, it automatically eliminates the factor that leads to a decrease in potency and sexual desire.

The tonic property of mint eliminates another reason for the deterioration of erection and libido. Products based on it relieve physical fatigue, muscle tension and irritability caused by overwork.

Mint is useful for men who synthesize excess testosterone. Its high level increases sexual excitability and causes hypersexuality (satiriasis, eroticism). Excessive amounts of male hormones can affect the duration of coitus and often worsen mental balance. Peppermint candies gently correct testosterone synthesis and thus automatically normalize potency.

Attention!When consumed by men, an overdose should not be allowed, as mint in this case has a dampening effect on potency. Sexual weakness or unstable erections occur due to a sharp decrease in testosterone levels and inhibition of the functions of the nervous system.

Are there any side effects?

Mint is considered a feminine herb due to its high content of phytoestrogens. In men, side effects only occur with prolonged, uncontrolled consumption of drinks and medications based on them. Tests have shown that the plant reduces testosterone levels if you drink mint preparations or tea, decoctions and other remedies for more than 1. 5 months. Eating menthol chewing gum, culinary products with additives or other foods does not have a negative effect on potency.

A man drinks tea with mint to cure erectile dysfunction.

Mint has a pronounced calming effect. It significantly relaxes the nervous system and a person's vivid emotions and physical activity are toned down. This has a dampening effect on libido and reduces the severity of sensations during sex. The plant also lowers blood pressure, so it causes loss of energy in people with low blood pressure.

In case of an overdose of mint preparations, doctors noted the following reactions in patients:

  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • Sleepiness;
  • Lethargy;
  • bronchospasm;
  • angina pain;
  • bradycardia;
  • worsening of sleep;
  • decreased libido.

Mint has a harmful effect for a man if he exceeds the dosage or drinks medicinal/folk remedies or strong tea for a long period of time. The only exception is an allergic reaction: it occurs shortly after consuming mint supplements.

When should you not take mint?

It is forbidden to take mint and products based on it if you are hypersensitive to their biochemical composition. The weed impairs the motility of male reproductive cells, which reduces the chance of conception. Therefore, the use of mints and tea is not recommended when sperm activity is weak.

The negative effect of mint on male potency is due to increased estrogen production. Due to hormonal imbalance, erection worsens. For this reason, this plant should not be used when testosterone levels are low (before the onset of andropause or in men over 50 years old).

Relative contraindications include hypotension and bradycardia. Men with this diagnosis can use mint after consulting a doctor. The drugs are prescribed in a reduced dose or in a 3-7 day course.

A variety of recipes for good potency in men

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes for remedies with mint for sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction. The herb benefits men who are not allergic to its composition and have normal testosterone levels. There are equally good reviews for the use of decoctions, alcohol and water tinctures. But for illnesses, folk remedies are used in combination with medications.

Short courses of treatment are recommended for men. Products containing mint are taken orally for 2-3 weeks. Then they take a break for 1-2 months. To avoid harm to the body, only a doctor can extend continuous use to 30-45 days.

Popular folk remedies with mint to improve potency:

Means Components Preparation Method of administration
Mint infusion Without foil 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials, 150 ml of water Leaves and inflorescences are steamed in boiling water under a lid for 15 minutes. The liquid is filtered, honey and 3 drops of propolis tincture are added. The product is taken 2-3 times a day between meals.
herbal tea 250 ml boiling water, 1 tsp. with a bunch of St. John's wort, peppermint leaves, feverfew, thyme The collection is steamed for a quarter of an hour, the liquid is strained and sweetened with honey Drink 200 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals
Herbal decoction 200 ml of water and collecting plants: 2 tsp. Motherwort, hops, oregano (meadow mint, motherwort), 1 tsp. valerian Add 1 tbsp to water. l. Raw materials, boil, leave for 20 minutes, filter Drink 150-200 ml after lunch and in the evening
Tea with mint (to support potency, prevent stress) 2-3 grass leaves, ½ tsp. black or green tea, a glass of boiling water The raw materials are brewed, filtered and sweetened with honey Drink 1 cup of beverage every afternoon

Many men speak positively about balneotherapy at home. To support potency, increase resistance to stress and eliminate the effects of overwork or nervous tension, take baths with herbal decoctions for a month. For the procedure, be sure to add 1 part of mint, chamomile and valerian to the herbal mixture. They can be combined with string, calendula, hops, nettle and pine needle extract.

Advice!Before you take a bath, take a shower first. The herbal mixture is added to the water at a maximum temperature of 39 °C. The procedure is carried out 15-20 minutes before bedtime. Pat the skin with a warm towel without rubbing!

Proper collection of raw materials and preparation at home

To remove dust from the mint before cutting, the stems are watered with a watering can and allowed to dry completely. It is important to adhere to the collection deadlines. You cannot place plants near roads, landfills, or gravesites.

Proper preparation of mint:

  • collected in the first half of summer;
  • Choose grass in an environmentally friendly location.
  • Cut the stems with a sharp knife;
  • collected in dry weather;
  • cut after the dew has dried;
  • take ripe stems without damage;
  • Cut off the top third of the stem.
  • actively blooming mint is being prepared;
  • Cut stems provide protection from the sun.

After cutting, the tops of the mint are tied loosely into bundles. They are hung in a shady, well-ventilated place. It is also allowed to pick inflorescences and leaves from the stems, spread them in a thin layer in a dryer or on a white cloth and throw them daily. It is impossible for rain, sun rays and dew to fall on the raw materials. The degree of dryness is checked by rubbing. The crumpled sheet should crunch and break between your fingers, not be limp.

After drying, the mint stalks are cut into 1. 5-2 cm pieces. The leaves can be crushed with your hands. The finished raw materials are stored in hermetically sealed jars to prevent the vital substances from evaporating.

Oregano tea – an alternative to mint tea that strengthens male strength

Plants with similar effects

There are peppermint, lemon mint (lemon balm), spearmint, long-leaf mint, wild mint and other types of plants. They are interchangeable. The products use a standard ratio: 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials per 250 ml of water. Any herb that is high in menthol can replace mint. Feverfew (Oregano), ivy budra and lemon catnip can have a similar effect. However, Plectranthus (an indoor variety of the plant) has no medicinal properties, but is used as an aromatic additive to tea.


It is a myth that mint improves potency in all men. In fact, doctors prescribe it for certain diseases and conditions that lead to worsening erection or libido. The appropriateness of using the herb is assessed after an examination, but this rule applies only to the treatment of sexual dysfunction. In the reviews, doctors say that men can constantly drink weak mint tea at night 2-3 times a week. This concentration and the rhythm of consumption have no influence on testosterone levels, relieve fatigue, increase resistance to stress and thereby indirectly maintain potency at the desired level.