How does Ivan tea affect potency in men?

Few people know how useful Ivan tea is for potency. The plant contains in its composition a large amount of substances valuable for the male body. It has a healing and stimulating effect. Ivan tea compensates for the lack of vitamins and suppresses the activity of infections. It is especially useful for the reproductive system. The active components of the herb enhance its work, thereby increasing a man's ability in bed.

plant description

Ivan Tee has different names. It is often called willowherb, Koporsky tea or willow grass. In the past centuries, traditional healers actively used the plant in the fight against various pathological processes. They used the roots, flowers, stems and leaves of willow tea to make medicines. Root crops were often diluted with flour, from which bread enriched with vitamins and minerals was then baked. The grass was also suitable for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Ivan tea for potency

Composition and useful properties

Ivan tea has a rich chemical composition. This property explains its beneficial properties for men's health. The grass is enriched with a large amount of protein that is easily absorbed by the human body. In addition, this substance is the main source of energy. So, by using Ivan tea, you can increase efficiency.

As part of a medicinal plant, about which you can read detailed reviews of a positive nature, it contains the following components:

  1. vitamins of different groups;
  2. Mucus;
  3. polysaccharides and tannins;
  4. trace elements (calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron);
  5. flavonoids;
  6. coumarin.

Ivan-chai has gained wide popularity due to its useful properties, which are not so few. The medicinal plant has the following effect:

  • Strengthening of the body's defenses by improving the function of the immune system;
  • Thorough cleansing of the body by accelerating the removal of toxic compounds and toxins from them;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in different parts of the body;
  • elimination of heat by lowering elevated body temperature;
  • diuretic effect;
  • purifying the blood and improving its composition;
  • normalization of the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • Decreased levels of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Positive effect on the human psyche by increasing stress resistance;
  • Strengthening of a person's vital energy;
  • potency increase;
  • prevention of diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • Prevention of the initial form of the development of oncological pathologies.

In order to feel the positive properties of Ivan tea from personal experience, it is enough to regularly take it in the optimal dosage.

useful substances in the composition of Ivan tea for potency

How Ivan tea affects potency

The plant has a positive effect on erection and potency in men. To understand how Ivan tea affects these functions, it is enough to get acquainted with its composition.

Experts recommend taking willow tea for men who have suffered from diseases such as acute or chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, reduced potency.

The medicinal plant helps to solve the problem with the prostate, which is responsible for many processes occurring in the male reproductive system. If you do not pay attention to violations in his work, you can miss the moment that prevents the development of pathologies affecting the genitals.

Few people can say for sure how exactly the plant affects male potency. To find out the answer to this question, experts conducted a number of studies. As a result, Ivan-Tee received a lot of positive feedback, confirming its effectiveness in solving problems with disorders of the reproductive system.

When a man starts taking Ivan tea-based products for a long time, a large dose of testosterone is released in his body. Because of this, sexual desire will increase many times over. It also improves blood flow to the genitals, which affects the strength of potency and the duration of intimacy.

Long-term use of the plant allows men to refuse constant intake of drugs with a similar effect.

How to collect and prepare

There are two ways to get Ivan Tee. It can be bought at any pharmacy or you can make it yourself. The second option is considered more acceptable, since a person can be sure that the product is fresh and free from contamination.

When collecting and harvesting a medicinal plant, certain rules must be observed. In this case, you can be sure that the treatment of this herb will bring a positive result.

It is recommended to carry out the self-collection of vegetable raw materials away from the roadway. It is not so difficult to distinguish Ivan tea, which is useful for men, since with its help it increases potency. It has a bright appearance. The plant can be recognized by its thick green stem and red or pale pink flowers.

After harvesting, the plant must be properly dried. If a mistake is made during this harvesting phase, the grass loses most of its beneficial properties. This cannot be allowed.

All the collected leaves and other parts of the plant must be crushed and laid on a newspaper. It is desirable to decompose the raw material in a dry room so that it does not absorb unnecessary moisture. The grass must be left in this form for several days.

If you do not need to wait for Ivan tea to dry naturally, you can use a conventional oven to speed up this process. To do this, you need to warm it up to 50-60 degrees. After that, the baking sheet is covered with paper and the raw materials are laid out on it.

During drying, the oven should not remain completely closed. It is also important that the temperature in it does not rise above the optimal level. Otherwise, such drying will harm Ivan tea and deprive it of its beneficial properties.

What to look out for when taking it

The power of teas prepared on the basis of this plant helps prevent the development of impotence and other adverse conditions. In order for the therapy to be successful, a few simple rules should be observed during implementation. Then the tea treatment will bring maximum benefit to the male body.

Ivan tea treatment includes the following recommendations and rules:

  • Treatment with drinks from Ivan tea should be limited to a period of no more than 2 weeks. After that, you definitely need to take breaks, because prolonged use of the plant inside will cause disturbances in the digestive tract;
  • Throughout therapy, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your body. It is especially important to pay attention to the appearance of signs of allergies. When they appear, it is necessary to immediately stop such therapy;
  • It is forbidden to give willow tea drinks to children under 6 years old, as this can harm their health.
  • It is advisable to refuse to take Ivan tea while taking drugs with a sedative effect.

In order to prevent the development of negative body reactions to products containing Ivan tea, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist about the advisability of using the plant for medicinal purposes in case of problems with potency.

Decoction of Ivan tea for potency

recipes for men

Traditional medicine offers several options for using Ivan tea to improve potency and erection. Any method of using the herb will give a positive result provided the home remedy is properly prepared and the rules for taking it are followed.

A decoction of the roots

A useful decoction can be prepared from the roots of willow tea. To do this, you need to pour 10 g of vegetable raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water. Best to brew in a thermos. It is recommended to let the liquid steep for 8 hours.

After insisting, the broth must be filtered. 1 glass of such a drink must be divided into approximately 3-4 equal portions. They should be drunk throughout the day. The use of the drug does not depend on food intake.

The therapeutic composition for increasing sexual energy must be prepared and taken during the week. During this period it will be possible to see the positive effect of Ivan tea on potency. After that, you need to take a short break for the same period of time. Next, you need to repeat the course of therapy.

In total, you can boil the roots of willow tea no more than 4 times with interruptions.

Decoction and infusion of herbs

Dried willowherb is suitable for the production of a medicinal decoction to increase potency. If you plan to use freshly cut raw materials, then the portion needs to be increased by two.

There are several recipes for preparing a decoction on the grass of Ivan tea:

  1. 2 TBSP. l. Raw materials must be brought to a boil with 250 ml of water. After that, this mixture should be placed in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Together baths you can use a microwave oven. In this case, cooking should take about 3 minutes. The resulting liquid must be cooled and filtered, and then diluted with boiling water. Sufficient water should be added to reach the initial volume of the broth. The finished medicine must be divided into 2 portions. They are intended for morning and evening reception. This regimen should not be followed for more than 3 weeks. After you need to take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course of therapy;
  2. 1. 5 pcs. l. Raw materials must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water. The product must be infused in a thermos for at least 5 hours. After it has been filtered. The medicine must be drunk 150 ml three times a day for a whole month. Then there is a break for the same period. If necessary, you can repeat the course.

If, after taking a decoction based on Ivan tea, the state of health worsens, then such therapy must be completely abandoned.

Infusion of Ivan tea for potency

Contraindications and side effects

The herb has no strict contraindications for ingestion. Therefore, it can be used to strengthen the potency of almost all men.

With caution, folk remedies based on a medicinal plant are used in such conditions:

  1. impaired blood clotting;
  2. Thrombosis;
  3. varicose veins;
  4. thrombophlebitis.

During treatment, it is very important to observe the dosage of Ivan tea. Otherwise, side effects may occur:

  • injury to the intestine;
  • liver problems;
  • stomach upset.

To avoid such consequences, compliance with the optimal dosage of the drug will help.