Good potency in men and the basic rules for maintaining it

A man's potency includes such important characteristics as: the degree of tension of the penis, the speed of onset of an erection, the course of sexual intercourse itself and its duration.

Woman and man with good potency

The key to harmonious relationships

It is well known that the ability to leave offspring and to be the father of a family has at all times been considered one of the most important possibilities naturally given to a man. So, in our time of high technology, every person tries to realize himself mentally and physically, because the lack of a full-fledged sex life is a strong emotional trauma for any man.

Poor potency can be the result not only of mental disorders, but also of various diseases. Therefore, it is not without reason that urologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, surgeons and other specialists pay great attention to these issues.

Potency is a term related exclusively to the male sexual constitution and does not extend to the characterization of female sexuality. Knowing the normal physiological sexual manifestations of a man, it becomes clear what potency is.

The norm

Woman in bed with a man with low potency

It should be noted that the quantitative characteristics of the components of "male" power are not defined in sexology. It is impossible to say exactly the "exact" limits of the duration of sexual intercourse, the "normal" limits of penis size and a certain number of copulative frictions. It is noted that the average duration of a sexual intercourse is 2. 5 minutes, and the total number of frictions during coitus is 50-60.

However, these are not normal indicators, therefore, for some men, sexual intercourse lasts 30-40 minutes and reaches 300 or more frictions. From modern positions, the size of the penis does not affect sexual activity, except in those cases when a man is hung and turns his attention to it.

A good potency is characterized by the following criteria:

  • strong sexual desire and desire;
  • strong and full erections that help achieve ejaculation and orgasm.

How to restore and maintain male power?

Consider what needs to be done to maintain male power for many years.

Right nutrition

fruits for potency

The influence of diet on sexual activity and strength is linked to the prevention of diseases that affect a man's sexual abilities. Fasting and vegetarianism reduce sexual desire and erectile function.

Increased potency occurs with the regular intake of animal proteins contained in red meat. After eating meat products, a person's energy metabolism increases, sexual desire and activity increase. In cases where sexual power has decreased against the background of physical and emotional overload, seafood (squid, shrimp) containing the necessary trace elements (iodine, zinc, selenium) will help restore balance.

Another important product that prevents the development of low-grade (sluggish) sexual activity is fish. Fish contains a significant amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis (one of the causes of vascular erectile dysfunction).

If the potency has disappeared or decreased, plant foods are often used to strengthen it, especially parsley, artichoke, capers, radishes, dill, garlic, asparagus. Plants contain many substances that either resemble sex hormones or contribute to their release. Stimulants of sexual activity are spices: cinnamon, cumin, anise, basil, cloves, saffron.

When sexual activity disappeared and sexual desire subsided, various herbal potions were used in ancient times, which today are interpreted as herbal medicine (a decoction of meadow clover, nettle seeds).

Say no to alcohol!

Limiting alcohol consumption. It is known that regular alcohol consumption contributes to the loss of potency. The imaginary ability to eliminate stiffness and insecurity when communicating with a sexual partner can lead to the emergence of a drinking habit, leading to alcoholism with the consequences described above.

In a healthy body. . .

A healthy lifestyle and dosed daily exercise play a very important role.

Adverse effects of drugs

You should also consider such a factor as taking drugs that suppress potency. For example, if it suddenly disappeared, then all the drugs used at that moment should be checked. Men over 40 often have concomitant diseases (hypertension, type 2 diabetes, glaucoma) and are therefore forced to take various medications.

Drugs that negatively affect sexual vigor include: antihistamines, hypnotics, bromine drugs, tranquilizers, some antihypertensive drugs, and drugs used to treat glaucoma.

In any case, if there are problems with potency, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help without prejudice and embarrassment, since more serious pathological conditions often underlie sexual disorders.